HUAZHEN with 18 experiences involves in fastener industry. As respected manufactuer and supplier,
We also offers:
- A wide range of nails
- A wide range of staples
- Products that cater to diverse requirements and applications
- Key strengths from us:
- Demonstrated industry expertise
- Knowledgeable team
- Commitment to client needs
90 series and 92 series staples refer to wire gauge sizes that fall in between the lighter 97 series staples and heavier 14 series staples.
- Wire Diameter – 0.028 inches. Slightly thicker than 97 series.
- Crown Width – Around 3/8 inches typically.
- Benefits – Provides more holding strength than 97 series, but small profile.
- Wire Diameter – 0.035 inches. Slightly thinner than 14 series.
- Crown Width – Around 1/2 inches.
- Benefits – Sturdier than 90 series. Slightly less visible than 14 series.
HUAZHEN is well-positioned to serve customers internationally with its specialized strengths and offerings.