When it comes to securing framing for structures like decks, sheds, and fences, 15 degree ring shank coil nails are a smart choice. Their unique design provides greater holding power and durability compared to standard smooth shank nails.
15 Degree Ring Shank Coil Nails Feature A Lot
maximum gripping strength by shank of the nail
15 degree ring shank coil nails feature a barbed, spiraling ring around the shank of the nail that provides maximum gripping strength. The 15 degree angle of the ring creates ridges that bite into wood fibers when the nail is driven, inhibiting withdrawal. This enables the nails to hold tight under dynamic or cyclical loading that would cause standard nails to fail.
40% higher withdrawal resistance when compared to smooth shank nails
The ring shank design allows 15 degree coil nails to achieve up to 40% higher withdrawal resistance compared to smooth shank nails of equal length. They are especially effective when fastening lumber that will be exposed to repeated movement or lateral forces, such as deck joists and beams that expand and contract with temperature changes. The gripping ridges help resist these movements, reducing the risk of loosening and deck failure.
15 degree ring shank coil nails also offer higher resistance to shear forces. The barbed rings trap wood fibers so the nail actually fails within the wood rather than shearing off at the shank. This results in a higher load capacity, providing a more robust connection.
15 degree coil nails faster to install, reducing labor costs
Because 15 degree coil nails cut their own threading as they are driven, they require no predrilling and give more driving power than smooth shank nails. This also makes them faster to install, reducing labor costs when compared to options that require predrilling.
15 degree ring shank design tends to split wood fibers less
Finally, the 15 degree ring shank design tends to split wood fibers less during installation. The angled rings create a ramping, wedge action that forces wood fibers apart more gradually as the nail is driven. This reduces splitting, especially compared to options with a larger 30 degree ring design. Minimizing wood splitting is important for maintaining structural performance and material yield.
Conclusion Of 15 Degree Ring Shank Coil Nails
For best performance, look for 15 degree ring shank coil nail made from corrosion resistant materials like hot dipped galvanized steel or stainless steel. This will ensure the nails maintain their gripping strength over time, even when exposed to weather or moisture. Wire collated options provide the easiest installation, eliminating the need for a nail gun. The coils feed directly into most hammer nailers and collated screw drivers.