The Ultimate Guide To 22 Gauge Staples

Jun 19, 2023 | NEWS

Whether you’re upholstering furniture, attaching leather to wood, or joining any number of materials together, 22 gauge stainless steel staples are an essential tool for your workshop. Let’s break down the different types of 22 gauge staples and how to use them properly.

Researching staple options to determine what gauge, material, crown style, and length is best suited for your specific projects. With the proper staples, staple gun, and technique, you’ll be able to tackle a wide range of upholstery, leatherworking and construction tasks with ease and professional results.

22 Gauge Stainless Steel Staples Straight Type

Straight staples are the most common type and the stapler you already have likely uses them. Made from corrosion-resistant stainless steel, these staples are perfect for general upholstery and construction applications. They have the same thickness as 18 gauge but the narrower width of 22 gauge allows them to go into smaller spaces.

22 Gauge Upholstery Staples

Upholstery staples also have a straight leg but feature a slightly wider crown to help distribute pressure and prevent materials from tearing. They come in various lengths depending on your project and material thickness. For furniture upholstery, 1/4 inch and 5/16 inch staples are typically used.

Stainless Steel Hog Ring Staples

Hog rings, also called humpback staples, have a curved crown that allows them to interlock after installation. This makes them ideal for joining multiple layers of material together without the layers slipping. Hog rings are available in a variety of diameters and lengths for various applications.

Choosing The Right Staple Length And Diameter

In general, you’ll want to use the longest staple possible that will still stay entirely within your materials. This provides the strongest hold. For material thicknesses under 1/4 inch, use 1/4 inch staples. For thicker materials up to 3/4 inch, use 1/2 inch staples.

Top 5 Tips For Removing Improperly Installed Staples:

• Use a staple puller – This is the best and easiest way to remove staples. A staple puller has prongs that go under the staple legs and a lever that helps pry the staple out.
• Cut the staple legs – If you don’t have a staple puller, you can sometimes cut the legs of the staple with wire cutters or diagonal cutters. Then pry up the staple crown with a flathead screwdriver.
• Use pliers – If the staple is really jammed in, you can try gripping the staple crown with needle nose pliers and twisting and pulling to remove it.
• Slide a knife under the crown – As a last resort, carefully slide a thin blade like an X-Acto knife under the staple crown. Wedge the knife up to loosen the staple and pry it out. Take care not to damage your materials.
• Patch the holes – Once you’ve removed the staples, you’ll likely be left with holes in your materials. Use fabric glue, contact cement or seam sealant to patch the holes from the back side. Then apply fabric patches or concealer on the top side if needed.