
Coil Roofing Galvanized Ring Shank Coil Roofing Nails

اسم المنتج

Coil Roofing Galvanized Ring Shank Coil Roofing Nails


س235(SAE1008A) , الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ 304, سلك لحام


أصفر,أزرق,RED Vinyl coating, مصقول مشرق ,على سبيل المثال, HDG




Roofing construction, repair

وصف المنتج

تفاصيل المنتج

Coil roofing nails are particularly useful for construction and repair projects that demand strong, long-lasting, and water-resistant nails. The most notable feature of these nails is their large-capacity reel, which allows workers to work for extended periods without the need for frequent reloading and interruptions.


طول Pcs/Coil Coil/carton Carton/Pallet
3/4″ 120 60 48
1″ 120 60 48
1-1/4″ 120 60 48
1-1/2″ 120 60 48
1-3/4″ 12 60 48


Our coil roofing nails are manufactured with the highest quality wire available, and we take great care to ensure that the vinyl coating and galvanization process is also of superior quality. This results in nails that are highly resistant to rust and corrosion. For even greater anti-rust protection, we offer hot-dip galvanized nails or nails made from stainless steel. Our extensive experience in welding and rolling nails ensures that our nails are compatible with all brands of nail guns that use the same size original factory nails. You can trust our coil roofing nails to perform exceptionally well on any job, no matter the conditions.

التعبئة والتسليم

كرتون ومنصات
We can customize the packaging according to customers’ requirement.


The coil roofing nails are utilized in roofing construction and repair projects that require high strength, متانة, and waterproofing capabilities. Their primary feature is the large capacity reel which increases work efficiency and duration.